Tuesday, July 5, 2011

TPTE 486 as a Whole

Now that I have completed this class I feel a lot more comfortable with finding ways to use technology in the classroom. I have always been a believer of using it in the class but only had a limited about of ways to use it and now I have pretty much tripled the amount of ways within the past month while taking this class. I am very glad that the education department has this course as a part of our curriculum. So, all in all, I will definitely be using technology in my classes for as long as I teach.

A Blog About Blogs

Blogger is a free to use blogging tool which is part of the Google world. I found blogger to be very easy to navigate around and post to. The tool provides plenty of ways to personalize the look of your blog and i just found a new way to create backgrounds today and you can see that on my blog entitled Mr. Miller's Band Class. I really like how easy it is to post pictures or videos to my blog. I can definitely see myself using a blog with my band to remind students of upcoming events.

Wiki Wiki Wiki

PBWorks is one of many free web tools that allow you to create a wiki community. These wikis are very easy to navigate around and simple to input information. They are great for creating a companion class website to have extra information on the appropriately corresponding wiki pages. These could also be used to create study guides and numerous other things to advance the students learning speed. While creating wikis I had a fun time interacting with my classmates to make a great resource wiki for us to use as teachers. I feel like by doing this I have created a huge library of musical resources via the web for me to use in the classroom.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Making a movie with Movie Maker

Movie Maker is the movie making software that comes with PCs. I had previously worked with the older version of this software before this class but I have to admit the new interface of the Movie Maker is so much easier to deal with. I came prepared with my storyboard and all my pictures re-sized to class and it took no time to put together a nice educational video about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

I chose to create a movie on Mozart because it was something I could use when teaching a General Music class to kick start a unit into the Classical Era. I chose to add a piece by Mozart to help with the full affect, so I added his "Piano Concerto In B Flat". I can totally see myself using this tool in the future for multiple reasons throughout every school year. It would be a great way for parents to see how their children interact in the classrooms for projects and/or rehearsals.